Welcome! The CMSA seminar aims to bring together combinatorialists from Australasia and around the world. The seminar is held roughly every two weeks during spring and autumn, usually at either 11am or 5pm AEDT.

Subscribe: In order to subscribe mail rajko.nenadov@auckland.ac.nz and ask to be added to the list. We send announcements and zoom details before every talk.

Organiser: Rajko Nenadov. Please email us with your feedback and suggestions.

Previous talks: 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

2025 talks:
Time (NSW/Vic)SpeakerTitle
12 Mar, 11:00am Jeroen Schillewaert Quasi-polar spaces
26 Mar Liana Yepremyan
9 Apr, Nick Brettel
30 Apr, TBA
14 May, TBA
28 May, António Girão

12 March 2024, 11am AEDT Jeroen Schillewaert (University of Auckland)
Quasi-polar spaces
Abstract: Quasi-polar spaces are sets of points having the same intersection numbers with respect to hyperplanes as classical polar spaces. Non-classical examples of quasi-quadrics have been constructed using a technique called pivoting. We introduce a more general notion of pivoting, called switching, and also extend this notion to Hermitian polar spaces.