The CMSA Medal is an award for long and meritorious service to Combinatorics. This medal is established to pay tribute to those members of the CMSA who, over a long period, have taken a significant leadership role in the CMSA and who have made valuable contributions to Combinatorics, mainly in Australia and New Zealand.
Medal Recipients
Professor Ian Wanless (2022)
Professor Darryn Bryant (2019)
Professor Brendan McKay (2014)
Associate Professor Elizabeth Billington (2011)
Professor Jennifer Seberry (2008)
Professor Derek Holton (2005)

The following CMSA Medal regulations were adopted at the CMSA council meeting on 8th November 1999.
- Members of CMSA will be invited to submit nominations on a form and within a time period set by Council. Council will consider all nominations and decide on the recipient by unanimous vote. Its decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- Nominees will possess many of the attributes listed:
- generally be over 50 years of age;
- have contributed to the running of the CMSA by having been a member of the Council of CMSA, an organiser of more than one conference, an editor of AJC, a newsletter editor or by having played a similar role;
- have an outstanding research record in combinatorics;
- have contributed to the growth of the subject by supervising a number of graduate students; by developing and teaching courses in combinatorics and/or by providing some similar service;
- have made most of their contributions in Australia or New Zealand.
- No more than one award will normally be made over any three year time period. The Council may decide to give no award in any time period should it feel that there are no candidates of sufficient standing.